Friday 14 February 2014

TASK 2 - biogas process research


Visual Systems

The london underground is one of the most famous pieces of Graphic Information Design and this was created by a man named Harry Beck. This piece is a major landmark in visual systems as this encouraged a lot of designers to make this type of design. It helped promote graphic information design and has made it become a lot more noticeable and more appreciated in the design industry.

There are many different ways to use visual systems however it is mainly used to demonstrate an action. For example many of these are found on public transports ranging from buses to aeroplanes. A very recognisable one on the plane is the instruction sheet showing you how to apply the oxygen mask and to stay calm incase of anything going wrong on the flight.

Advantages and disadvantages of visual systems

- the designs are normally very simple which means almost anyone can interpret the message no matter what language they speak or how old they are
- information is shortened to only include very key parts meaning it is a very fast and efficient way of getting a message across

- they are not always very detailed and simplify information which means that there is always a chance that some important information is being missed.