Sunday 2 March 2014

Task 4 research

Task 4

A. What is your initial thinking?

At first I was eagerly anticipating the prospect of taking part in a "live brief" as it is an alternative way of learning and I am likely to come across these types of brief in my future work so i feel that this is a cleverly designed brief to aid our education.

B. What will be your first step in your research?

The first step I usually take when researching is broadening my background knowledge about the module, and the brief. In this case i feel comfortable when approaching information design however i know little about Tenbury and the types of signage that would be suitable in the areas given to us, so i am most likely to begin with researching about the history of the town along with other towns and their signage.

C. Look online and find 2x example pictures of: A finger post, An Information Board and a Vertical Banner of the like that is described in the brief. Put these on your blog below your comments for (A+B).