Thursday 17 April 2014


Below are some pictures of the ideas i have come up with. All the designs would follow a colour scheme of Light Blue and a grey/silver colour apart from the finger posts. These colours are the scheme that i have decided to go with throughout this brief.

This type of fingerpost design has to be the one i find most suitable and effective for this Tenbury Wells brief as i feel the semi circular shape on the end of the sign adds a traditional look compared to other designs. If i choose this type of fingerpost i am likely to have the fingerpost wrapped around the pole and I believe the font would look best if it was engraved.

I tried to create a range of different basic logos which i could use within the signage tasks such as the vertical banner and the information board. I feel that by creating a logo it can help me find a certain type of design route to go down and follow throughout the brief. The following designs all tend to be typical logos and quite similar to some football club logos. I felt that it was a good idea to copy these types of logos because they are easy to acknowledge and also get used very widely. Another reason is because it brings a sense of branding to their town and i felt that this could be a benefit when using it for Tenbury Wells.

The following idea shows the incorporation of a logo on both a banner and an information board. Personally this is a technique i like and believe can be effective if used correctly. On the vertical banner the idea is to use minimal type as one of the focal audiences are drivers who have not got the time to read a lot of text. The text would be kept brief and say "welcome to tenbury wells" with the logo shaped at the top. I also planned for the logo to break the mould of the original rectangular shape banner adding emphasis to the logo. This same design is used for the information board however the logos shape will remain but inside the logo will be a map rather than the logo. I feel by keeping a similar sort of design it would look professional in the village of Tenbury Wells.

The fingerposts here are in a triangular shape at the end pointing in the direction of which the place is. also their is space for a colour on the end of the post which would demonstrate which type of "point of interest" it is e.g shops, monuments, toilets, infortmation etc. Also on this page I have an information board idea with a map in a traingular shaped pattern at the bottom of the board. I think this idea could work but one of its flaws is the positioning of the map and i believe it is too low considering it is the main point of the board to inform tourists.

The theory behind these ideas is to keep a triangular based pattern. I think this can work as in the modern world of signage all sorts of shapes are used however i believe triangle is fairly simplistic meaning it would keep locals happy and also reach out to people passing by Tenbury Wells. The information board and the banner match well however the design of the pyramid fingerposts may be something which i may alter if decide to go through with this idea. I feel that the fingerposts will be too bulky to be on the streets of Tenbury and there is also a lack of tradition with fonts and shapes.

This is also one of my favourite designs as i feel three - fingerposts, information board and banner compliment each other in terms of design. Another thing that i like about this design is that i can actually see all three of these being built and placed nearby. The logo would be placed at the bottom of the information board and their is a triangular divide for the map and key. There is room for customisation on the fingerposts as there can be added colour key on the edges of the fingerpost to match the key of the information board. Also in the bottom right hand corner are some more fingerpost designs where i plan to use the shape of the LOGO on the end but would be blanked out and have the distance remaining placed inside.

Another idea i came up with is having the logo placed on top of the fingerpost as well as being incorporated into the banner and info board however i do not want to overuse the logo as it isn't an important feature in this brief. However the old style font and the inclusion of the distance remaining on the fingerposts is something which i will take into careful consideration when designing the fingerpost. Also another design of a very basic banner mainly aimed at drivers.

The first of the three is a long and thin design with classic font and space or a colour code at the bottom of the sign linked to the map on the information board. The second design is more of a traditional and old design and actually looks a bit more like a street sign rather than a fingerpost. The third and final finger post is meant to be made out of steel and have black engraved text in helvetica style font. Again the edges may or may not be used for colour coding

this was a little idea i had with having an actual finger pointing in the direction of the place shown. the idea was for the whole thing to be made out of wood but the chances of me going with this idea are highly unlikely

This idea is more of an expensive one and unique one mainly relating to the information board. The idea behind this is to have a cylinder shaped board for my design to wrap around. The main focal point would be the map which would be placed in the middle along with the key underneath. the left side would have a welcome to tenbury wells sign and the right side would have information about the small village

The banner and information board follow the same designs however the problem with the banner is that the text would be slanted meaning it is harder to read for drivers going past. Apart from this i think the design aspects are ok, however if i were to go with this idea i may alter the fingerpost design to a basic rectangle one instead of a triangular shape.

The following design ideas are basic ideas related to the information boards. All three follow the same sort of shape but have different designs in terms of where the map is placed and font types. The design to the right would use more modern font and a theme of blue and silver where as the on on the far left has orchards or mistletoes dangling onto the board and would use a classic font such as Baskerville for headings.

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